Sunday, January 18, 2009

Same Old Same Old

Well, Christmas break ended a while ago, and I'm not back at college, sitting in my dorm room, writing this post. It's the same pattern, same routine, same everything. You get up, go to class, eat, go to the rest of your classes, do homework, and sleep. You wake up the next morning and repeat. It's really kinda dull if you think about it. You would think that being in college would provide a wealth of activities for you to do on the weekend, but alas, a little college town holds no such luck. I guess I need to seek out some entertainment by breaking out of my shell here, but that takes time, at least it does for me.
I've made some headway though, talking to new people. I'm going to hang out with someone that I've been talking to on facebook for a while tomorrow. YAY!!! I'm excited to finally get out of this dorm room and do something. I do need to meet more people though, which brings me to a dilemma. You see, my personality type is introverted to begin with, but at the same time, I like to talk to new people. The hardest part for me is the first contact with the person because I really have no idea of what to say. Basically, I ask them what their name is after I say hello and ask them their major. Then I hope that they reply because I'll have to scramble to find a topic of conversation if they don't. I'm working on it though, guess that's all I can do.
On a less serious note, this semester seems to be much better than last semester. Taking 15 hours is much more manageable than taking 17, and my schedule this semester is better as well. This means that I actually have the time to find new people now. I guess I should end this short note with this optimistic outlook. Till next time.

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