Sunday, December 21, 2008

____________ - This would be the title if I had one

I'm not very good at naming things, and I'm feeling kinda lazy tonight. I'll leave the title to you.

An update on what's been happening. Well, exams ended a good week and a half ago, and I got the grades that I thought I would get. (Boring I know, but I had to say it.) My trip home was a little more exciting.

I left on a Thursday which was different from what I had originally planned. One of my exams was moved from Friday to Wednesday, so I got to come home early. YAY!!! The interesting thing was that I forgot to tell my parents that I was coming home two days early. My dad was shocked when I called and said that I was already heading home. We both agreed not to tell mom because we wanted to see her surprised look when I walked through the door. She didn't disappoint, since she almost tripped over herself while jumping up from the table to hug my neck. The actual trip was kinda uneventful, since I was following a storm front that was ravaging the landscape. I luckily left late and never saw a drop of rain. Home life has been kinda boring though.

There's not much to do at home. I can walk outside and pet the dog, feed the cat, scare the chickens, or stare at the goats, but that's about all I can do. I could drive somewhere, but I have no one to take with me or meet there. It's kinda nice to take it easy though. After this hellish semester, I'm glad to just do nothing. That doesn't mean there's nothing to be excited about though.

Chirstmas is just around the corner, and my family and I have a lot planned. The most exciting thing that's happening is that I'll be an uncle in a couple of days. YAY!!!! My sister is, as of now, two days over her due date, but I think my niece just understands the importance of making a grand entrance. I think that she's going to wait until Christmas day to be born. Which will be good because I can't really think of a better Christmas present. :) Until she's born, I'm stuck practising the piano, reading my textbooks for next semseter (not very exciting but oh well), or staring at inanimate objects.

I've been thinking about how to help other people embrace and take pride in their true selves lately. I guess it's because I'm an actual safe zone now that I'm giving it greater thought than what I normally would, but I think it's a good thing. My problem is knowing when to give someone space. I try to help someone so much that I make their problem my problem, and that doesn't help either of us. I know it's something that I have to work on, but I think I can learn to manage. I shared my story with someone yesterday because they asked for help. I'm not saying that my story is better than someone else's, but at least that person will know that they're not alone. I guess that's all I can do.

Well, I don't like to ramble, so I'll end here.

Hoping that You Can Make Sense of My Jumbled Thoughts,


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