Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Depressing First Day Back and Piano

Ugh. Yesterday was atrocious. Despite that it was the Monday after Thanksgiving break, I woke up with an optimistic mindset. I thought that it was going to be a good day. Too bad life bitch slapped me back into reality. I went to my first class and discovered that I made a 64% on my exam for the sole reason that I'm a dumb ass, but it didn't end there. My next two classes also handed out exams which I made a 68% and a 77% on in that order and for the same reason. I'm a dumb ass. It wasn't that I didn't understand the material, I just didn't have enough time to practice before I took them. Thank you very much evening English class and bitchy math professor. Because of this, I have to work really hard on finals to salvage my GPA. Oh well, that's enough ranting about academics. XP

Oh wow, I just realized that I haven't really asked anyone how their Thanksgiving break was. That's very rude of me. I might of already asked Lan Chi, but I was too out of it yesterday to remember. Mei's undoubtedly was horrible, since she got stuck with her family. I should really put more time into my friends, but this semester seems to have just stolen all of my friendship time away from me. Too much work.

Anyway, I practiced the piano last night for relaxation. It worked as always. I think I stayed there for an hour and a half perfecting the only song I know so far. Maybe one day I'll be great, but I don't really care. I just enjoy playing. Speaking of playing, my parents bought a piano over break. It's a 5'3" baby grand, and I think it looks great. My dad wanted to learn how to play, and my mom has always secretly loved the piano; she never said anything because a piano is a lot of money. My dad has been practicing almost nonstop since we got it. He's starting from scratch too, so he still has a way to go before he can play anything other than introductory technical pieces. I'm just glad that he's found something that really interests him again. I know that staying at home all day doing the same routine over and over again must make you slightly crazy after a while, so I'm glad he has something creative to do.

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