Well, I haven't been writing for a while because life hasn't offered anything of interest. Life has only offered the same old routine of classes, endless assignments, and countless study sessions with classmates. I guess my new co-social chair position with CGSA offered a change of pace in the beginning, but even that has fallen into a sort of routine. This was my life up until February the 10th.
For a long time, I was searching for that special someone. I ran into a bit of a snag with an overly emo and immature kid named Pierceton, and I was kind of disgusted with my love life in general for a while. I would ask, sometimes scream, "why is it so hard to find someone that genuinely cares about you?" It was a very frustrating experience, and I was almost ready to give up hope and resort to random sexual encounters for the rest of my life as a substitute. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. Thankfully, I met him.
It was a chance encounter on an online not really dating dating site which shall remain nameless. I read his profile and thought that he would be an interesting guy to talk to, so I messaged him in hopes of receiving a reply. A week went by with no response, and I tried to cultivate an online friendship with other users of the site. To my dismay, most of these people were creeps who only wanted sex. I must confess that I did receive a small amount of enjoyment out of toying with these types of people. I guess I'm a tease at heart. Finally, he messaged me back and we started to chat online.
His name was Mikey, and he immediately caught my full attention. I was talking to two or three other people at the time, but I immediately gravitated to him. To put it simply, we just connected, and I could sense that he was a genuine person. We talked well into the night. We both went through a fully charged laptop battery and still didn't want to part, but we decided that we should meet in real life sometime. I went to bed with a happy feeling that night. I didn't realize that we would meet sooner than I anticipated.
February 10th was a few days later. It was a Tuesday, and as always, I left my dorm room at about 11:55 PM because my roomate needed to go to bed. I went to my usual study spot in Bracket only to find that someone had already taken it. i grumbled to myself and went to the library as a second choice. I set down with my computer and began to study for my test in Environmental history the following day. After a short while, I decided that I needed a break, so I opened my laptop and found that Mikey was available to chat. Not wanting to pass up an opportunity to talk to someone that seemed so amazing, I asked how he was doing. He responded by saying that he was well and that he had come to the library for a distraction from his daily life. I was surprised to hear this and asked if he would like to meet me, and he replied by saying sure. He also said that he was nervous, and I too was a little nervous which is unusual these days. The first time I saw him, I knew that there was something there.
He was so adorable with that tanned leather coat of his and his blue eyes and his wide mischievous smile. His hair was brown and curly but short, and his form was normal height but slightly muscular. We decided to go for a walk to get to know each other and ease our nerves.
We ended up at Brooks where we stayed for a while. I played on the piano and he told me stories of his band days. He was a trumpet player and then a drum major. We left Brooks around 12:30 AM and then walked around campus until 2:00 AM in the morning. He walked with me back to my dorm and I reluctantly went to bed. The next time we met was that Friday.
He went to a bar with his friends and I stayed at the dorm, since you had to be 21 to get in. It was only an hour though before he called me and asked if he could come over and hang out. I said that I would like that a lot, so he came over and I introduced him to everyone. Melissa loved talking to him almost as much as I do. Melissa, Mikey, and I stayed up until 6:00 AM that morning just talking and walking around Clemson. The next day was Valentine's day.
I woke up around 3:00 PM, got dressed, and headed to his house. He took me to a national forest and showed me this amazing waterfall and mountain tunnel. Then he took me to his favorite swimming spots where we sat until 6:00 that night and just talked to one another. We then went back to his house and curled up on the couch where we watched the first season of Queer as Folk and talked for a while. Then it happened. He placed his head on my shoulder, and we both knew then that there was attraction. He then kissed me which was amazing, and I knew that something had changed. I felt like a new person, like my life was at a new beginning. I'm happy.